











Scanned at www.senthamil.org July-August 2000 by J.B. Hare


Kanda I

Prapathaka 1. The new and full moon sacrifices

1. The driving away of the calves
2. The taking of the strew
3. The milking
4. The making of the offering
5. The preparation of the grain
6. The pounding
7. The placing of the potsherds
8. The cooking of the cake
9. The altar
10. The offering of the oblation
11. The sprinkling and the enclosing-sticks
12. The libations of butter
13. The interchange of the ladles
14. The special sacrifices

Prapathaka 2. The Soma sacrifice

1. The preparation of the sacrificer
2. The consecration of the sacrificer
3. The place of sacrifice
4. The sacrificial cow
5. The footprints of the cow
6. The measuring of the Soma
7. The buying of the Soma
8. The placing of the Soma on the cart
9. The taking of the Soma to the hall
10. The guest-offering to the Soma
11. The Upasads
12. The high altar
13. The sacrificial carts and the shed
14. The special sacrifices

Prapathaka 3. The Victim for Agni and Soma

1. The making of the Sadas
2. The making of the sound-holes
3. The adoration of the altars
4. The adoration of the altars
5. The cutting of the sacrificial post
6. The placing of the post
7. The driving up of the victim
8. The slaying of the victim
9. The cutting out of the omentum
10. The offering of the fat
11. The supplementary offering of the intestines
12. The Vasativari waters
13. The descent of the Soma from the cart
14. The special sacrifices

Prapathaka 4. The Soma cups

1. The making ready of the Soma
2. The Upançu cup
3. The Antaryama cup
4. The cup for Indra and Vayu
5. The cup for Mitra and Varuna
6. The cup for the Açvins
7. The cup for the Açvins
8. The Çukra and Manthin cups
9. The Çukra and Manthin cups
10. The Agrayana cup
11. The Agrayana cup
12. The Ukthya cup
13. The Dhruva cup
14. The Seasonal cups
15. The cup for Indra and Agni
16. The cup for the All-gods
17. The cup for the Maruts
18. The cup for the Maruts
19. The cup for the Maruts
20. The cup for Mahendra
21. The cup for Mahendra
22. The cup for the Adityas
23. The cup for Savitr
24. The cup for Savitr
25. The cup for Savitr
26. The cup for the All-gods
27. The cup for Agni with the wives of the gods
28. The cup for the yoker of the bays
29. The supplementary cup for Agni
30. The supplementary cup for Indra
31. The supplementary cup for Sarya
32. The fire ritual
33. The fire ritual
34. The fire ritual
35. The horse sacrifice
36. The horse sacrifice
37. The Sodaçin cup
38. The Sodaçin cup
39. The Sodaçin cup
40. The Sodaçin cup
41. The Sodaçin cup
42. The Sodaçin cup
43. The Daksina offerings
44. The Samistayajus offerings
45. The concluding bath
46. The special sacrifices

Prapathaka 5. The Rekindling of the Fire

1. The mode of rekindling the fire
2. Details of the rekindling
3. The Mantras for the rekindling
4. The explanation of the Mantras
5. The Mantras for the adoration of the Ahavaniya
6. The Mantras for the adoration of the Garhapatya
7. The explanation of the Mantras in i. 5. 5
8. The explanation of the Mantras in i. 5. 6
9. The Agnihotra in the rekindling
10. The reverence of the fire before a journey, i. 5. 10 a-f
The Sacrificer's part in the new and fall moon sacrifices, i. 5. 10 g-n
11. The special sacrifices

Prapathaka 6. The sacrificer's part in the new and full moon sacrifices

1. The taking of the butter
2. The offering of the oblation
3. The portions of the sacrifice, &c.
4. The supplementary offerings
5. The filling of the Dhruva and the striding of the sacrificer
6. The reverence of the sun and the altars
7. The putting of the sticks on the fire and the vow
8. The bringing together of the sacrificial implements
9. The twelve pairs in the sacrifices
10. The depositing of the oblation
11. The explanation of the Mantras of invocation
12. The special sacrifices

Prapathaka 7. The sacrificer's part in the new and full moon sacrifices

1. The invocation of the Ida
2. The celebration of the Ida
3. The mess of food for the priests
4. The offerings to the gods and the Brahmans
5. The explanation of the filling of the Dhruva
6. The explanation of the reverence of the sun and the altars
The Vajapeya, i. 7. 7-12
7. The preparation of the chariot
8. The chariot race
9. The mounting of the sacrificial post
10. The offerings of food
11. The proclaiming of victories
12. The Atigrahya cups
13. The special sacrifices

Prapathaka 6. The Rajasuya

1. The offerings to Nirrti and others
2. The Vaiçvadeva offerings
3. The Varunapraghasa offerings
4. The Sakamedha offerings
5. The offering to the Pitrs at the Sakamedhas
6. The cakes for Tryambaka at the Sakamedhas
7. The offerings to Çunasira and others
8. The offerings to various deities
9. The offerings in the houses of the Ratnins
10. The Devasu oblations
11. The drawing of the waters of consecration
12. The preparation of the waters of consecration
13. The mounting of the quarters
14. The consecration
15. The progress with the chariot
16. The adoration of the king
17. The offerings to the Samsrps
18. The Daçapeya
19. The propitiation of the quarters and offerings to the Satyadatas
20. The offerings to the Prayuja
21. The Sautramani
22. The special sacrifices

Kanda II

Prapathaka 1. The special animal sacrifices

1. Offerings for those desiring wealth, &c.
2. Offerings for those desiring freedom from disease, &c.
3. Offerings for those desiring victory, &c.
4. Offerings for those desiring splendour, &c.
5. Offerings for those desiring cattle, &c.
6. Offerings for those desiring villages, &c.
7. Offerings for those desiring splendour, &c.
8. Offerings for those desiring splendour, &c.
9. Offerings for those desiring food, &c.
10. Offerings for certain eventualities
11. Mantras for the special sacrifices

Prapathaka 2. The special sacrifices

1. Offerings for those desiring children, &c.
2. Offerings to Agni as path-maker, &c.
3. Offerings to Agni as desire, &c.
4. Offerings to Agni as possessed of food, &c.
5. Offerings to Vaiçvanara, Dadhikravan, and the Maruts
6. Offerings to Aditi, Vaiçvanara, and Varuna
7. Offerings to Indra
8. Offerings to Indra, who goes straight forward, &c.
9. Offerings to Agni and Visnu, and to Sarasvati
10. Offerings to Soma, Rudra, and Agni
11. Offerings to Indra with the Maruts
12. Mantras for the special sacrifices

Prapathaka 3. The special sacrifices (continued)

1. Offerings for the Adityas and the Maruts
2. Offerings for those afraid of death, &c.
3. Offerings for those who are parted from the sacrifice, &c.
4. Offerings for those desiring heaven, &c.
5. Offerings for one seized by disease
6. Offering for power to eat food
7. Offering with all the Prsthas for strength.
8. Offering for one desiring sight
9. Offering for one desiring a village
10. Mantras of the offering for one desiring life
11. Offerings for one long diseased and for one desiring life
12. Offering for one who receives a horse
13. Offering for one seized by misfortune
14. Mantras for the special sacrifices

Prapathaka 4. The special sacrifices (continued)

1. Offering for one contending with foes
2. The victorious offering for one contending with foes
3. The Samvargesti
4. Oblation of beans to Prajapati
5. The Mantras for the Citra sacrifice
6. The Citra sacrifice
7. The Mantras for the Kariristi, first part
8. The Mantras for the Kariristi, second part
9. The explanation of the Mantras in ii. 4. 7
10. The explanation of the Mantras in ii. 4. 8
11. The offering of three constituents
12. The deity of the offering of three constituents
13. The oblation to Indra and Brhaspati
14. Mantras for the special sacrifices

Prapathaka 5. The now and full moon sacrifices

1. Indra and Viçvarupa, son of Tvastr
2. The slaying of Vrtra by Indra
3. The offering of the Samnayya at the new moon
4. Offerings to Agni, Visnu, &c.
5. The Samnayya as equivalent to